Tuesday, January 6, 2015


3.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the research methodology explained about how well the study will be carried out. Section 3.1discuses on research approaches, Section 3.2 explains on the type of research and Section 3.3 discuss a research methodology, Section 3.4 discussing on research design on the other hand, Section 3.5 discussing on the unit of analysis Section 3.6 explains on sample size also Section 3.7 mention on the delimitation of study, Section 3.8 discusses on sampling technique, Section 3.9 explain on measurements, Section 3.10 elaborates on data collection, Section 3.1 explains on data analysis,  Section 3.12 discusses on  pilot study and finally conclusion is provided in the summary at the end of the Chapter 3.
3.1 Research approaches
The approaches apply to this research, namely quantitative methods. On the other hand, quantitative research is a scientific clarification that aims to measure the social world objectively, to test hypothesis and to forecast and control human actions. Furthermore, it refers to the numerical demonstration and influence of observations, used to describe and explain the phenomenon that such observation reflects. For purposes of this study a quantitative approach are about to be  used as the research was directed at understanding the job satisfaction and the factors that contribute to work motivation  among teachers in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. This approach was chosen, because the primary data were to be gathered through the instrument: namely the structure questionnaire.

3.2 Type of research
The category of study be determined by the purpose of the research has and the practical application, thereof. The enthusiasm for the research would determine whether it is applied research or basic research. Applied research can be defined as the scientific planning of encouraged change in a worrying situation with the focus on a problem in practice. ( SHERMAN, 1988).Applied research is designed to resolve practical problems of the modern world rather than to attain knowledge for knowledge's.  One might say that the goal of the applied scientists is to enhance the human condition.
Thus, the current study took the form of applied research, since the main concern was to determine the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in the public educational institution at the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. The findings will be valuable in improving the job satisfaction of the teachers’ in the public educational institution.
3.3 Research methodology
The research that I am proposing will be quantitative because in this research I have decided to collect information of job satisfaction and motivation of teachers in the public educational institutions. There are 3 motivating factors that contribute to the job satisfaction of the teachers’ in the public educational institution such as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself. I would like to carry out the quantitative research because I want to investigate the relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in public educational institutions. (Earl R., The Practice of Social Research, 2010)
 More than that, I am decided to use this research approach because it is more reliable and objective. The information to be collected is more objective which means it is more focussed to investigate the relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in the public educational institutions.
Furthermore, I find it is easier for me to use the quantitative research because I can use statistics to generalise a finding. There is a lot of previous research that has been carried out by previous researcher regarding to this topic. So it is easier for me to retrieve a more reliable and valid information to conduct my research. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013) In order to have a solid research proposal I need to have a good research approach, so by choosing quantitative research it often reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number of variables. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). For example, with regard to my research I have listed out 2 types of variables which are job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in the public educational institution. Throughout this research I will looks at relationships between variables and can establish cause and effect in highly controlled circumstances. There are three research question that to be use in this research.
There are:
1. What are the influence of rewards and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and the work itself on job satisfaction?
2. What are the levels of motivation among the teachers’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan?
3. Is there any significant relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation among teaches’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan? 
In addition, by conducting quantitative research it will give me a chance to tests theories or hypotheses. With regard to my research, the hypotheses that I would like to test is “There is a significant effect between job satisfactions in relation to the motivation of teachers’ in public educational institution”. Finally, by having quantitative research approach it assumes sample is representative of the population. The population to be used for this research survey was aimed at 300 teachers’ of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.
Using simple random sampling technique, the questionnaires are to be distributing to 300 teachers’ of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan. The research studies are to be conducted based on the descriptive survey and correlational design. A survey design is to be chosen to ensure collection of information which precisely describes the nature prevailing condition at specific point in time.
3.4 Research Design
Research design involves a series of rational decision making choices relating to decisions regarding the purpose for the study (exploratory, descriptive, hypothesis testing), location (the study setting), the type it should conform to (type of investigation), the extent to which it is manipulated and controlled by researcher (extent of the research interference), its temporal aspects (time horizon) and the level of which data will be analysed (unit of analysis), are important to research design. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). The type of investigation that to be used for this study is correlational study in which I am interested in highlighting the important variables associated with the problem. In order to conduct this study, it is estimated that there will only a minimal interference as the data collected will not interfere the normal activities in that organization. The research is on field study in which it is a no contrived setting with a minimal researchers’ interference. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). With regard to this study, the research is about to carry out the descriptive survey. In addition the survey method are to be apply in this research because to guarantee the collection of information are more exactly describes the nature of the dominant conditions at a specific point of time. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.5 Unit of Analysis
Unit of analysis can be defined as the level of aggregation of the data collected during the subsequent data analysis. In this study, the unit of analysis is based on the individual. Here, means that the data collected are from each individuals and treating each teachers responses as an individual data sources. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.6 Sample Size
It is important to select most appropriate  respondents in order to get a valid result when investigating the variables that relate to my topic on job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ of public educational institutions.
Population of the study was comprised of all the teachers of public educational institutions. According to this research it will involve all the population at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
Teachers in the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis will be selected to become the respondents for my research.
 As suggested by (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013), a population of sampling from of 600 constitute to 300 sample size of the numbers respondent is to be used in this research. Since the school has a total population of 600 teachers, so it is advise to use the sample size as proposed by (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013) which is 300 teachers in which she refer to table by Krejcie and Morgan 1970, that provides generalized scientific guidelines for sample size decision. (Kenya Projects Organization [KENPRO], 2012)
3.7 Delimitations of the study
Due to limited time and available resources with the researcher, the study was delimited to the following element. The first element of delimitation of this research is the setting. The setting of the research takes place at public educational institution, where it takes place at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan. The second delimitation is the respondents of the research which comprises of the teachers in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.8 Sampling Technique
Sampling is the process of selecting sufficient number elements from a population which makes it easier to generalize such properties or characteristics to the population elements. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
The population to be used for this research survey was aimed at 300 teachers’ of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.  The sampling technique to be used is simple random sampling. This type of sampling technique where  each individual is selected casually and wholly by chance, such that each individual has the same possibility of being selected at any phase throughout the sampling procedure. A simple random sample is an unprejudiced surveying method.
3.9 Measurement
The research measurement consists of two parts:
 The first research measurement for this research is the participation among teachers in answering the questionnaire which is related to the job satisfaction and motivation of the teacher’s in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. Secondly, demographic variables that consist in this questionnaire are the age and gender. Gender is based on the nominal scale, whereas the age will be based on the ratio scale. Questionnaires made are in form of English language.
3.10 Data Collection
The study will be carried out to investigate the job satisfaction and motivation of teacher of public educational institution. The applicant of the questionnaire will be used to distribute among the teachers in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
The used of the questionnaire as a data collection method is appropriate as it cost less expensive and it establishes rapport and motivates the respondents. The questionnaire is to be printed in white papers and English language is to be used as a medium of communication in the questionnaires.
The questionnaire will be send directly to the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis in expecting that school will distributes a complete questionnaire to the selected respondents. The researcher will ensure the questionnaire distributed to them are to be keep confidentially and will not result to any bad effect toward their career in relying that this research is only meant for academic purposes.
With regard to this research secrecy is priority. Neither names nor any other means of relating a particular instrument to a teacher was recorded on the instruments. All the questionnaire, once completed will be wrapped in one same envelops. The envelopes were to be opened only by the researcher, who had no way to discover which teacher completed which instrument. The confidentiality of the information given by teacher is assured safe.
A cover letter together with the consent letter are also to be delivered together in requesting that the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan will return back the complete answer questionnaire in the enveloped to be  provided to the researchers.
Primary data were to be gathered through an instrument: namely the structure questionnaire. The research instrument will collect data on job satisfaction in relation to motivation of teachers’ in public educational institution based on three motivating factors which are reward and recognition, satisfaction and supervision and work itself. The teachers' will express their levels of agreement based on questionnaire anchored on the five Likert scale from “very dissatisfy to very satisfy” and “highly demotivating to highly motivating.”
3.11 Data Analysis
The study carried out uses SPSS Version 20.0 descriptive statistics which involve transformation of raw data into a form that would provide information to describe a set of factors in a situation and this is done through ordering and manipulation of the raw data collected. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). In order to measure teachers’ motivation, the mean score or the average is use as a measure of central tendency that offers a general picture of the data without unnecessarily inundating one with each of the observations in a data set.
Kendall’s tau-b will be used to investigate the associates between each independent variables and dependent variable such as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). The results of the survey are to be analyse using descriptive statistics and correlational techniques. The data that gathered processed and analyse using SPSS version 20.0 statistical package for windows. Before conducting the correlational analysis, exploratory factor analysis, the Cronbach’s alpha tests were computed to determine scale reliability. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.12 Pilot testing
Pilot Test
A pilot test has been carried out at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan in Kangar, Perlis. For the purpose of this research, 15 respondents were carefully chosen and the questionnaire was distributed to each of the respondents. Based on the Cronbach’s Alpha value the testing was conducted in order to ensure the consistency of all related aspects in the research.
The following important phase was to check the validity and reliability of the questionnaires. In order to confirm items, it was demanded to the panel of experts to enhance the items, in format and language in order to make the questionnaire simple and clear. In this concern toward the response acknowledged from the specialists, the questionnaires were confirmed. The questionnaire of teacher job satisfaction and motivation was administered on 15 numbers of teachers of Sekolah Menengah KebangsaanSyed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
Validity of the Instrument
The word validity can be referred to the measuring instrument to be used in this research for the data collection. Validity helps to ensure the data collection meet the intentional objective. (Key., 1997)
The instrument implemented for this research was given to an expert in Educational field, of Faculty of Education of UiTM Shah Alam. The expert in this field then crosses checked the questions consisted in the questionnaire and approved those questionnaire if the all of the questions in the questionnaire are well developed to request information compulsory for the study.
I am personally visited and administered related questionnaires and respondents were requested to give their suggestions freely for the improvement of the questionnaires. For determining the validity of questionnaires item analysis to total Pearson Product–Moment Coefficient of Correlation (r) was computed. For determining the reliability of these instruments, Cronbach’s Alpha was applied to calculate internal consistency of items. These results of the pre-test were analysed by using the Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0
Reliability of instrument
With regard to this context of research, the reliability can be defined as the tests are concerned with the consistency in measuring something. As the adopted instrument in this research has been checked by an expert and established to be well-intentioned enough to search for facts therefore the instrument adopted for this research was make consistent. Furthermore, the researchers also adopted a test and re–test of the instrument, and a significant reliability index was grasped. (Key., 1997)
In summary chapter 3 is begin with the introduction of the approach that to be been chosen to conduct the research. In addition the type of the research and methodology are to be well elaborate later. Target population, the sampling technique and data collection and data analysis method are to be clarified. The next chapter will report information on data analysis and discussion of the finding.

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