Thursday, January 8, 2015






1.0 Introduction
This chapter focus on the background of the study which is on the job satisfaction and motivation of teacher of the public educational institutions. It also emphasized on the teachers motivation in the workplace. With regard to this research it focuses on the satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ of public educational institution at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan,Kangar Perlis.
Section 1.1 discusses the background of study; Section 1.2 explains the problem statement and Section 1.3 states the research questions. Section 1.4 on the other hand state the research objective Section 1.5 states the information regarding to the limitation of the study and Section 1.6 explains on the significant of the study and lastly Section 1.7 is all about definition of terms and concepts.
This study aims at determining the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers of public educational institutions at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. Job satisfactions are one of the most critical intentions in all organization. Organization that fails to ensure good and excellence treatment toward the satisfaction of their employees’ will definitely affect their reputation as excellence organization. ( Mishra, 2013)
This study employed quantitative method in examining the hypothesis. Survey method is to be used for data collection. Three independent variables are reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself will be chosen to be measured for this study and total of 300 teachers’ are to be choose as sample in this research.  Reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself are significantly relates to the satisfaction of the teachers’ positively.
 Employees who are unhappy with the treatment of their employers tend to rebel. Shortened, the unsatisfied employees will bring bad impact toward the development of the organization because they are demotivated in delivering their work at their very best performance. Job satisfaction may also be affected by the motivation. Different level of motivation will result in different level of satisfaction toward the job that had been done by of each of the employees’. ( Ghazanfar , Mahroof Khan, Chuanmin, & Bashir, January 2011)
1.1       Background of the Study
The most priceless assets of any of the organization are the human resources. ( IBM Corporation;Oracle Corporation, 2004). Human resources played very important roles in contribution toward the development of the organization.  There are several ways that we can apply in order to gauze the effectiveness of the organization.
The organization is said had achieved the level of effectiveness when the organization is capable to maintain the quality team in relation of well managing contribution of each of the employees in the organization. ( WELLINS, BERNTHAL, & PHELPS, 2010). In addition, motivation is about the inner feeling of the individual. What the individual eager to do. Motivation is the significant factor in setting and accomplishing goals. Shortened, the component that applies strength on our act and effort can be well-defined as motivation. (Maddux & Mason, 2010)

There are numerous advantages that the organization gained through having a highly motivated team of employees in the organization. One of the advantage were the organization are capable to endeavour with the other competitors. Secondly, the highly motivated employees would have a noble morale. Furthermore, the organization better able realizing the aims of the organization when the organization itself have a highly motivated team of employees. ( Jacobson, 2011)
There is several importance of the human resource toward the success of the organization. Referring to an American Industrialist, Henry Ford, he stated that the significant of the human resources by mentioning: “Take my business, burn up my building, but give me my people and I will build the business right back again”( Watts, 2006). Unquestionably, highly motivated employees can contribute to the wealth of the organization. The supports of the employees toward the organization are in the form of their hard work and determination. In addition, the collapse of the organization also might be funded by the unhappy employees where their need and demand not being emphasized and fulfilled accordingly. (Wenger, 2014)
Human resource management practices are said to be one of the crucial element that contributes toward the greatest practices for holding and inspiring human capital in an organization. Furthermore, reward and recognition always been applied in order to make employees felt pleased with his or her job and this will directly motivate the employees in performing his or her task. (International Labour Organization, 2011). Shortened human resources were vital behind the overall development and success of any organization. The organization was incapable to attain the uppermost level of motivation and job satisfaction if the organization does not identify the determinations and contributions of their employees and reward them accordingly. ( Heng & Khin Wong, 2009)
Self-confidence can be developed by given out reward and recognition to the employees. (International Labour Organization, 2011). Employees will recognise the appreciation from the organization when the organizations are offering different schemes of reward. This will make the employees realised that their works is being appreciated by the organization. In other word, if the employees are satisfied toward their organization and is when the organization offering different sorts of incentives and rewards to the employees they will make it as the stress reliever. Shortened, it is one form where it reflects employees are highly motivated to perform the tasks. (Keeffe, Viscusi, & Zeckhauser, 2006)
In addition, job satisfaction will define and be the crucial element to gauze the individual level of commitment and efficiency in his or her job. More than that, the job satisfaction significantly measures the truthfulness of each of the employees’ within the organization with regard to their occupation (Judge & Saari, 2004).
Furthermore it has been proved that, the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation does bring influences toward the job satisfaction of the individual teachers’. Hence, different level of motivation of teachers will bring impact toward the level of teacher job satisfaction. Moreover, this phenomenon soon will ultimately contribute to the optimistic effects on the students’ academic performance (Oudejans, R., 2007)
There are numerous of philosophy that had been well developed by the various philosophers in order to come out with the theories of the motivation. Most of theories show the linkage between the satisfaction and motivation. Satisfaction and motivation are inter-related between each other’s.

 Examples of the theories are Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman’s two-factor theory of job satisfaction and Vroom’s expectancy theory. All of the theories that have been listed out are the theories that further explain on the issues of the satisfaction and motivation. ( Lindner , 1998)
Job satisfaction is one of the important issues that had been discussed throughout the 21st century and in the era of globalization. In order to have highly motivated employees’ in the organization, the organization itself need to comply with the needs of each of their employees’ and this situation contributes to job satisfaction. Job performance and turnover create a linkage toward job satisfaction. This has created a massive problem to the management of educational institution. ( Rosenstein, 2013)
Research has proven that satisfied employees will contributes to the high level of motivation. The employees’ will be motivating enough to perform at their best. In contrast, employees who are dissatisfied tend to have lower level of motivation and reflection such as distress, unpleasant engagement and nervousness be the result of their dissatisfaction. (Seniwoliba A. J & Nchorbono A. D, 2013)
Motivation does contribute to the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization as a whole. It will contribute to the increment of the productivity of each of the employees’. More than that, the employees can attain their personal aim and the aims of the organization in the well-organized approaches.  ( Abbah, 2014)
It was compulsory for each of the organization to take a proactive step if there was a change occurred in the organization. The organization needs to make changes in line with the current situation because it will motivate the organization to obtain a competitive in their field. In respect of this, the crucial thing is where the organization required is the skilful and knowledgeable employees. ( Inayatullah & Jehangir, 2010)
Research that had been carried out proved that, the features of the work itself become the crucial factors that strongly influence the employees’ satisfaction as to be compared with different factors. ( Kürşad Özlen, 2013)
The present study is an effort to find out the main causes for the job satisfaction of employees and it tells the relationship among reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and the work itself with the job satisfaction and as a consequence of the intrinsic motivation of employees while working within an educational institution. ( Rast & Tourani, 2012).
The purpose of study is to examine the relationship between incentive, rewards and recognition on employee motivation and satisfaction. However, this study will also study two other factors of the job satisfaction which are the “satisfaction with supervision” and “the work itself”.
1.2       Problem Statement
People administration is vital feature of organisational developments. This originated from the acknowledgement that the human resources of an organisation and the organisation itself are identical. A well-managed organisation normally reflects the average employees as the key foundation of efficiency gains.
These organisations consider employees rather than wealth as the core foundation of the business and contributors to stable development. To confirm the accomplishment of steady goals, the organisation creates an atmosphere of commitment and cooperation for its employees through policies that facilitate employee satisfaction. ( Khalid, Mat Salim, & Siew Phaik Loke, 2011)
Job satisfaction finds close relations to highly motivated employees. Motivated employees then grow loyalty or commitment to the firm resulting to greater productivity and lower turnover rates. Numerous of studies have been conducted on work motivation, job satisfaction and as well as on several combinations on both constructs. In order to enhance and improve the performance of the organization thus it is important for the organization to seek the best tools that can be used. (Wigdor, 2006)
The absence of work motivation and satisfaction towards organization as a whole were identified the major tools that will affect the overall condition of the organization such like there will be decrease in the term of the productivity, profitability, the performance of the employees, and the commitment. (Wigdor, 2006)
Besides, the economic challenges nowadays and political issues may be regarded as the factors that will influence the performance and growth of the organization. Indirectly, this situation will contribute to the demotivation of the employees’ in performing with their tasks. The strong impact on the job satisfaction in the organization was identified the major thing that will affect the work motivation of the employees. Thus, it somehow can give affect in term of profitability and productivity of the organization in a long run. (Tella, Ayeni, & Popoola, 2007)
Previous studies shown that motivated and satisfied employees were the major elements in determine whether the organization can achieve its goals or otherwise. Several elements were identified the traditional tools that the organization can implement in order to make the employees satisfied with their management and administration which was like having a contest, performance appraisals, reward, recognition and many more. ( Khalid, Mat Salim, & Siew Phaik Loke, 2011)
All of the tools that been introduced by the organization and the way that the organization lead were identified the factor that drive employees’ performance. Some researchers do think it does the opposite way. Instead of trying to use extrinsic motivators, the researchers proposed to the management to make all the employees focus on the organizational as a whole system. ( Usman & Danish, 2010)
Employees’ nowadays demand the satisfaction. Without being able to fulfil their satisfaction, the organization will not survive. Managing motivation by having the job satisfaction is a requirement for productivity of the organization for a better competitiveness in the future. ( BURR & MCGRAW, 2011)
Employees’ motivation and job satisfaction are inter-related between each other. Both of them have linkage between one another. Both factors are important because it would deliver different impact toward the productivity and working environment. ( Rafif & Ayub, 2011). The way people perceived and behave at the work station will shows reflection toward employees’ and job satisfaction. Both employees’ and job satisfaction are contributed by the intrinsic and extrinsic needs of the individual. Both of the needs comprise of work related and organization related attitudes.
As been highlighted, both ability and motivation is combined function that leads to employees’ performance. Therefore, the organization as a whole need to play it roles to initiates and developed a plan where the organization need to pay full attention toward motivated and satisfied employees’. This is because both motivated and satisfied employee’s’ are wealth to the organization.
The organization need to implement the ways on how to motivate their employees in order to ensure that the satisfied and motivated employees’ contribute to the successful of the organization. ( Lindner , 1998)
There are various variables that bring impact toward work motivation. The various variables maybe classified into three major group which are individual characteristics, work characteristics and organizational characteristic.
Work motivation influences the employee’s performance to establish and accomplish the goal or aim of the organization. The organization needs to stimulate the factors that may contribute to the work motivation, so that the employees’ will deliver their task at their personal will. Indirectly this situation will contribute to the attainment of organizational objectives. ( Daryanto, 2014)
There was a research that has been carried out and the finding of the research derived, when the management and administration able to manage the human resources in the organization it will soon result in a great impact on both productivity and profitability. ( Jacobson, 2011)
Referring to the research that has previously been conducted, the finding has revealed that three factor that contributes to the organization competence and efficiency are job satisfaction, employee’s motivation and commitment, and corporate culture. (P Sims, Jr., Szilagyi, & Keller, 1976)
It was difficult for the organization especially the developing organization to sustain in the long run if they only have limited skilled resources. For example it was tough for the developing organization to retain a faithful, committed, loyal and competent workforce on a constant basis. If the organization have the highly motivated employees’ who are satisfies with the work that they delivered in order to achieve the organization aims, this will consequently ensure that the motivated employees’ to continue their relationship with that organisation. ( Re’em , 2010)
The employees within the organization will looking for superior job or seeking substitute employment if they dissatisfy with the level of job satisfaction and work motivation that currently they possessed. The sole reasons that lead the employees’ for looking at the other alternative job is because they want to experience a greater degree of job satisfaction. In the long run, this situation will bring bad effect toward the development and enhancement of the organization, where the organization was unable to make profit to achieve effectiveness and efficiency within the organization to better able to compete with the rivals. ( Lua & Chenga, 2012)
In order to find the most efficient and effective ways to combine all the policies and practices that has been integrated by the company together with the employees’ input, ability and capability was quite a challenging toward the organization. The organization needs to established an appropriate type of reward and ensure those reward are link with the company's reward viewpoint, tactics and procedure. The only way that the organization can increase the employees’ work motivation is when the organization able to established their sound designed and practical reward system. (Mikander, 2010)
Reward can be defined as the reimbursements that result from accomplishments of a job, execution a service or performing a responsibility. ( Colin, 1995). Remuneration is the greatest significant and inspiring advantage that is gained for execution a job or service. It is remuneration that encourages persons to be well prepared to search for a job. Remuneration can be defined as one of the ways that are commonly conventional to rewards a person’s work contribution. ( Colin, 1995) There are disadvantage of the remuneration system, where it may be one form of a powerful demotivator. This is due to where never the reward was unable to make the employees’ satisfy; it will turn to powerful demotivator. Shortened it was challenging for the organization to recruit and maintain good individuals. ( Colin, 1995)
The decrease in the job performance can occasionally be contributed by the increase in the level of job satisfaction. (Ololube, 2011). In contrast, there was a study that has been supported by a several researcher stated that improved job satisfaction produces better-quality of job performance. The quality of the employees’ with his or her supervisor, the quality of their working environment, the degree of accomplishment in their work and other can be classified as the several of elements that might bring effect toward the job satisfaction. (Ololube, 2011)
There was a research stated that, the organization will be able to achieve premium performance when their employees’ within the organization are happy and motivated with their job. ( RAMIREZ, 2010). In addition both intangible and tangible factors do motivate the employees’ in the organization. ( Mahamuda Parvin, 2011). Employees’ plays very crucial roles in the determination of the success of the organization.
The significant determinants of organization triumph are contributed by the motivation and job satisfaction, and both of these elements are related to the perspective of the corporate culture. Therefore, the organizations need to fully understand the nature and crucial sources that leads to employee’s job satisfaction and motivation. (Wanda & Rene, 2008)
Research that had been carried out proved that, the features of the work itself become the crucial factors that strongly influence the employees’ satisfaction as to be compared with different factors. ( Kürşad Özlen, 2013). The present study is an effort to find out the main causes for the job satisfaction of employees and it tells the relationship among reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and the work itself with the job satisfaction and as a consequence of the intrinsic motivation of employees while working within an educational institution. ( Rast & Tourani, 2012)
Most of the researcher has carried the case study on the issues of motivation and job satisfaction. Even there was quite a number of the research has been investigate in this area but there was still a leftover regarding to this issues that have not yet been explore and to the worst there still no general understanding has been established when the research steered at different times and in changes of the working atmosphere.
It became crucial for the organization to investigate with concern to this issue on how to reduce or eliminate turnover and absenteeism that will result in the improvement of the overall organization performance. In addition, it has been witnessed that the satisfied employees not always a good performers. Due to the migration of a lot of industrial workers that occurred, the significant challenge that the organization has to look is on how to manage the issue of hiring and firing rate of the employees’.
Due to the insufficient of the motivation and commitment toward the organization, so it was crucial to stressed on the significant of this study on motivation and its relationship to job satisfaction. ( Singh & Tiwari, 2011).
Therefore, there is need for a further research on the relationship between the job satisfaction and work motivation, thus the goal of this study is to focus the relationship between these two concepts. In this regard, it becomes significant for me to examine on the two variables of job satisfaction and work motivations of teachers which are link between each other at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
1.3       Research Question
Supposed that the motivation of teachers of public educational institutions contributes towards job satisfaction, it is to be wondered whether are there any significant association between them. These are the following questions in order to better understand the job satisfaction in relation to motivation of teachers of public educational institution at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
The following are the research question:
1. What are the influence of rewards and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and the work itself on job satisfaction?
2. What are the levels of motivation among the teachers’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan?
3. Is there any significant relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation among teaches’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan? 
1.4       Research Objectives
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the association of job satisfaction and motivation of teachers of public educational institution. To achieve this purpose, the public educational institution needs to motivate their teachers’ within the organization in order to improve the teachers’ satisfaction. Thus, the specific objectives of the study are as follow:

The objectives of research are:
1. To examine influence of rewards and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and the work itself on job satisfaction in public educational institutions at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Perlis
2. To investigate the level of motivation among teachers’ at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.
3. To identify the significant relationship of the job satisfaction (dependent variables) in relation to motivation among teachers’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.
1.5 Limitation of Study
This study centres on the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan in Kangar, Perlis. It aimed at all teachers in public educational institution, but due to the time, money and other factors it will be limited to only Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan in Kangar, Perlis.  With regard to this research, it will focus on the factors that contribute to the motivation of teachers based on three elements which are selected to be measure known as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself. For this study total of 300 teachers’ will be choose as sample in order to meet the requirement of this case study. This study will employ quantitative method in examining the hypothesis. Survey method is to be used for data collection. Three motivating factors that will contribute to the satisfaction of teacher are reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself significantly relates to job satisfactions. Last but least, the questionnaire that will be used maybe seems bias because it will only focus on one group which are the teachers’ at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan in Kangar, Perlis. 
1.6 Significance of the Study
A major concern in the educational field is to focus on the satisfaction of teachers in delivering the teaching process. One of the ways to do this is to focus on the motivating factor that contributes to the satisfaction of teachers in performing their tasks. The motivating factors will significantly bring effect toward the satisfaction of the teachers’ in performing their tasks. The empirical investigation of the distinct effects of various elements of the teachers’ satisfaction and motivation in relation to education management remains on the area of substantial interest to education researchers. This study provides some relevant insights on the distinct magnitudes to which distinct motivation factors affect job satisfaction of teachers’.
 Moreover, such knowledge will help the management of the public educational institution in designing more effective incentive to rise up the motivation level of teachers’ that can improve teachers’ satisfaction level. In addition, this study will be useful to teachers’ who may want to know the factors that could make or hinder them from feel satisfy with the job that they do.
 Understanding the different level of satisfaction will allow for professional development of teachers’ focusing on the areas to increase their motivation level. Lastly, understanding the importance of job satisfaction and the impact on motivation level will help the administrators of the public educational institution to continuously boost up the teachers’ level of motivation to ensure that teachers’ will obtain job satisfaction. This study contributes many benefits to a numerous number of parties. The significance of this study is it helps the human resources management in developing a more efficient and effective strategy. More than that, the result from the study will explain to the management and administration of public educational institution on the level of job satisfaction and motivation among teachers specifically in Perlis. In addition, this study would further make information available to the management and administration of public educational institution in better able to understand the elements that bring impact on the job satisfaction. The motivation is been perceived as the factors that bring significant impact toward the job satisfaction. When the management are paying full attention to better understand on the important of the factors that contributes to motivation of teachers, it would result in providing assistant to the management towards creating conducive working environment so as to increase job satisfaction and teachers motivation.
This study would also be beneficial for the Perlis State Government and Ministry of Higher Learning Education and Ministry of Human Resource. The result from the study will ease Perlis State Government and Ministry in deciding the decision making with referred to the career by knowing the factors that can contributes to job satisfaction among the public educational institution teachers that soon will bring advantages to both teachers and the organization.
 The other significant of this study is where it positively helps to well develop the new knowledge mainly referring to the job satisfaction between the teachers of the public educational institution. In concern of this research, the researcher hopes that through the finding of this study, it will contribute the organization to gain the chance to become alert on the issues of the job satisfaction and teachers motivation. Finally, researcher hopes that this understanding on the matter would further promote to the contribution toward the development of new knowledge and be a beneficial basis of information for upcoming exploration concerning this issue.

1.7 Definition of Terms/ Concepts
Relative to this study, definition to the following terms are provided in order to clarify each in the context of the topic:
Motivation can be define as desire that lies in every people or the things that alive. Internal and external factors that arouse desire and energy in people to be continually concerned and dedicated to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to achieve a goal. ( Franken, 2006). Motivation contributes from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. ( Beck, 2004). These factors are the reasons one has for acting a certain way.  In this context of this study, motivation is all about the motivating factors such as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself that can bring the initiating factors for a people to better achieve the targeted goals. The motivation will affect the teachers’ that would influence the ways people, group or team works depending on the different situation. Satisfaction also contributes to the differences in motivation level. Motivations are divided into two categories which are the intrinsic and extrinsic. Motivation is dependent, which means it work on its own as long it able to meet the need of the individual and satisfy the individual. Intrinsic motivation can be defined as the process of motivation by work itself in so far as it pleases the personal needs of the employee. Intrinsic motivation is self-generated and it is thought that people seek for a job they think will most satisfy their needs. ( Bénabou & Tirole, 2003) In addition, extrinsic motivation is the motivation from the outsider amount of effort other people give to the person to motivate them.
Extrinsic motivation is for example the rewards management provide such as pay rise, praise or promotion. Extrinsic motivations are efficient but the influence doesn’t last long. In this context of study, motivations of teacher are important that will contribute to the satisfaction of teachers’ in performing their task. In this context of study, the motivation is the independent variables that to be measures and how it will contributes toward the satisfaction of the teachers’. ( Bénabou & Tirole, 2003)
Satisfaction can be defined as one of the inner feeling that someone feel about themselves. This feeling occur because of the fulfilment of need or want. More than that, it can be define as the quality or state that has been satisfied. Employee satisfaction has become important element in today management of the organization and has been a key area of research among educational and organizational psychologists. ( Oliver, 2010)
 There is element which is very important that the public educational  institution need to puts into priority which is about the teachers’ job satisfaction which can be classified according to the focus on the teachers’ or the educational institution. All of the teachers’ within the educational institution are being worthy to be treated fairly and equally. In addition, the good treatment of the teachers’ with regards to the job scopes is the reflection of the job satisfaction which also being considered as pointer of emotional well-being or psychological health. In this context of study, the satisfaction of the teachers’ is the main focus. ( BISHAY, 1996)

Teachers’ play a very important roles in the educational field.  Referred to NCTE (1998) in Quality Concerns in Secondary Teacher Education, they stated that in any of the educational program teacher was regard as the crucial factor toward the success of the educational field. There are several roles played by teachers’. At any stage of the educational process, teacher is the one who are predominantly accountable for execution of the educational process toward the establishment of sound and quality outcomes of educational process. ( Tomlinson, 2011)
It would be valuable to invest in the training of teachers, so that the upcoming of a nation is protected. Concern to this research teachers’ need to be well develop and treated in order to make them satisfy and teachers’ who are happy with the works have high level of motivation that drive them to  performed and deliver better performance toward the educational institution. In this context of study, teachers are referring to the school teachers of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
Public educational institution
Educational institution can be define as one of the organization that have been classified as one of the institution that executes an important function of given that learning experiences to each of the learners (students). The educational institution educates their students from the unawareness toward knowledge to the realization of the important of knowledge. In addition, educational institution also as an institution that dedicated to education establishment. (OECD, 2003). Shortened educational institution also had been recognize as an organization created and amalgamated for a definite purpose. Preschool, school whether elementary school or secondary school, college and university are kind of educational institutions. All of these terms can be used interchangeably to define educational institution. In this context of study, the educational institution is referring to the secondary school which is it referred to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.

2.0 Introduction
This chapter provide a review of the literature on job satisfaction and motivation of teachers of public educational institutions. Section 2.1 explains on job satisfaction and how this job satisfaction correlates with the teachers’ motivation. Section 2.2 is determining the reward and the recognition. On the other hand, Section 2.3 discusses the satisfaction with supervision. In addition Section 2.4 explains on the work itself while Section 2.5 discusses on the intrinsic motivation and Section 2.6 provide theoretical framework of the research. Finally section 2.7 is identifies the hypothesis of the study.
The job satisfaction and its determinants and the intrinsic motivation are reviewed as under:
2.1 Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction as when the individual are able to achieved something through the matching and satisfying their personal needs in relation to their potential occupation. (Judge & Klinger, Job Satisfaction Subjective Well-Being at Work, 2009). In the other view, there was an establish research has been carried out to measure and forecast about the job satisfaction. ( Shoman, 2009). Whereas, others researcher had carried out the study that focus on the current perspective of job satisfaction. Meanwhile, the other definition defined the job satisfaction is where the employee had affective orientation toward his or her work. (Evans, 2010)
More than that, stated that the significant areas of interest for many researchers, was on various researches on the organizational commitment where the research’s focus on the factor that may impact the job satisfaction. ( ISMAIL, 2012)
In the current situation, it has been observed where it was found that there is a discrepancy between pay structures of the beginner to be compared with the expert employees. In this concern there is a research that revealed where utmost numbers of beginner are pleased with the remuneration. This was different when to compare with situation of an expert employee. ( Summers, 2010). Their remuneration package was not paid accordingly so these states of affairs have need of further consideration.
This inequality brings bad outcomes for the organizations. Strength of job satisfaction is subject to on the divergence of outlooks of person, what he or she desire to have or what he or she want to gains. Job satisfaction is about feeling of the employees themselves. There are situation where employees feels confidently and sometimes depressingly about various aspect of job. For example, job situations, scheduling, arrangement, reward, chores, and rapport with colleagues and responsibilities. The satisfaction of the employees soon will be reflecting to the satisfying atmosphere in society. ( Tella, Ayeni, & Popoola, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Organisational Commitment of Library Personnel in Academic and Research Libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria, 2007). In addition, the significant element that contributes to the job satisfaction is remuneration. But advancement, appreciation, job participation and commitment also a key features that contributes to the job satisfaction. Referring back, the administration ought to provide priority to its human resources who play a vibrant role to contribute an economical superiority to the organization. ( Nazir , Hussain Shah, & Zaman, 2013)
The other literature also mentioned clearly about the vital elements that contribute toward satisfaction such as job attachment, enthusiasm and willingness. If the employees or the teachers themselves were not satisfied with their chores they have a tendency to remain absent and resistance to the job of teaching. ( Markos & Sridevi , 2010)
 The utmost number of teachers’ felt satisfied functioning in the society which are less distant and having better monetary and social proprietorship. In addition to this elaboration, there was various other factors that may contributes to the job satisfaction such as quality of supervision, working environment at school, good remuneration and wide opportunity of personal development. Nothing is so special about the job. (Sargent & Hannum, 2005)
Several studies has highlighted that it was important for the organization to better able understand nature of the educational work setting and the characteristics of teachers themselves in order to understand teacher job satisfaction. With concern to the teaching profession, each of the teachers’ engages and leaves their profession with their own reasons. This situation stressed that satisfaction of teacher is very crucial as it become determinant of the career decision of teachers’ in delivering the teaching process. (Seniwoliba , 2013) As shortened, job satisfaction is one of the elements that contribute to the motivation of teachers’ whether they satisfy with their job or they dissatisfies with their job.
Satisfaction in the employees is the result of the employees’ show when they discovered their job satisfying and themselves are be reward accordingly. More than that, employees’ satisfaction is crucial element to be taking into account because it leads to the organizational success. ( Caprara, Barbaranelli, Steca, & Malone, 2006)
There are precise theories that shows that there is a significant different between intrinsic and extrinsic reward. It was found in the research that has been carried out that extrinsic rewards are more crucial in order to motivate the teachers’. This theories are been introduced by Hertzberg Two-Factor theories. In the research that has been carried out to investigate on the teacher job satisfaction, the researcher only focuses on three significant elements which comprises of whole job satisfaction, scopes of job satisfaction, and the influencing aspects. The workers attitude comprises both the work itself and the work environments are the aspects of the overall job satisfaction. ( Kara, Kaynak, & DeShields Jr, 2005)
In order to enhance the job satisfaction among academicians, there must be equilibrium between both work and family life. As the result, satisfaction does bring several advantages to the organization such as it helps the organization to generate confidence, faithfulness and upgraded quality in the productivity of the employee. This situation will lead to the success of the organization. ( Hackman & Oldham, 1976)
2.2 Reward and Recognition
Performance of the teachers and the commitment of the teachers themself need to be at equilibrium, teachers need to balance their performance and the commitment in delivering the work. This phenomenon is common in most of other organization and same goes to the educational institution. ( Biggs, 2006)
There are several factors that may bring impact toward the job satisfaction and the motivation of teachers. Reward and recognition has been highlighted as the most significant element that may bring impact toward the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’. Reward and recognition has proven that it creates a connection between motivation and satisfaction. Shortened both reward and recognition contributes toward the relationship between satisfaction and motivation. (Wanda & Rene, 2008)
Giving the monetary advantage to employee without any prominent show also misplaces its importance. When worker get a financial incentive with exceptional enjoyment and pleasure, that experience becomes more tremendous for receiver Deviations in rewards and recognition affect in work motivation and job satisfaction. Different features’ of reward and recognition may bring different impact toward the motivation and satisfaction of the employees’. ( Khalid, Mat Salim, & Siew Phaik Loke, 2011)
 Different people will define reward and recognition in different ways. The ways they perceived toward the reward and recognition have directly contributed to different level of motivation and satisfaction.  The strong positive relationship between rewards and recognition in relation to job satisfaction and motivation has been proved right. There will have the directly contribution of the improvement in the employees job satisfaction and motivation if the management are paying more attention on the reward and recognition to be given to their employees. (Kellett, 1982)
The job satisfaction and the motivation of the employees’ will increase when there is a better treatment of the reward and recognition from the organization. Satisfying behaviour, assisting co-workers or punctuality are example of the good actions. Good actions are subjective in nature which meant that, there are no specific and particular guidelines that can evaluate them. ( Abbah, 2014)
There are several of the crucial perspectives of human resource management result. The management result may be in term of satisfaction, holding and participation, motivation, knowledge, collaboration with partners and colleagues, and dedications. One of the important factors that may bring affect toward employees’ motivation is recognition. ( Alexander Clark & Drain, 2008).
 The organization must consider the recognition of the employees. Recognition of the employee can be well-defined as communication that occurs between management and employees. The employee’s recognition was given because the organization wanted to rewards the employees for attainment of particular objectives or generating high quality results in the workplace. Through the recognition that has been given to the employees, it was meant to inspire repeated actions, through strengthening the behaviour that the organization would like to see in repetition. Recognition also maybe in term of monetary. But the recognition in the term of monetary award does not bring any significance. ( Kosfeld & Neckermann, 2010)
All teachers have their own professional competence. Every teacher has their own definition of the competence. The professional competency of teacher are been judge accordingly. In the concern of the teaching profession of teachers’, their position offer them acknowledgement for their competencies and accomplishments. (American Federation Of Teachers, 1990)
Recognition has been notified as one of the factor that helps to initiate and boost up the employee in the society. This shows that, recognition have their own valuable strength. In addition, the recognition cannot be evaluated alone. It needs to be paying something in return.
There are two types of reward that currently been applied in the today organization. The two types of the recognition are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.( Bénabou & Tirole, 2003). Both types of the motivation are interdependent between each other’s.  In concern of this relation, the employees would not be motivates if they are not been well paid by the organization. As for the conclusion, the intrinsic rewards like acknowledgements, respects and authorizations will not bring any benefits if it not to be relates together with the extrinsic rewards.
Hypothesis (H1): Reward and recognition has positive relationship with job satisfaction.
 2.3 Satisfaction with Supervision
Effective supervision is one of the factors that may contribute to job satisfaction. There are a number of researches that claim that supervisor play very important roles in determining whether the subordinates are to be reward or punish. The competence of the leader and supervisor plays important roles toward the working surrounding, especially in school environment. ( Mahamuda Parvin, FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION OF PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR, 2011).
Competence of teacher and supervisor bring an impact on the school environment. Communication by the leaders or by the supervisor particularly will reflect the quality of supervision that the supervisor possessed. It focused on the excellence and amount of the communication carried out by the supervisor or the leaders which bring influence toward job satisfaction and turnover rate. Culture is something that is too subjective. It was found crucial to develop a culture of engagement, and this can be done through the incorporation of the training on intrinsic motivation and employee’s assignation into management development programs. ( Voon, Lo, Ngui, & Ayob, 2011)
 More than that, when the manager a better able to comprehend and be able to accomplish their own intrinsic rewards, it will soon further create the type of manager which are reliable and effective in promoting the significance of engagement. In the different view, there are several types of the intrinsic rewards which help in development of the effective and efficient outline for executive coaching. Manager need to better understand with their verily own intrinsic rewards while training. Then only the manager can enhance to learn how to support the intrinsic rewards of their direct reports.
There are quite a few explanations of job satisfaction. The explanations maybe related to the several factors and numerous effects of employees job satisfaction. Both factors of work-related characteristic and demographic variables are related to the job satisfaction.  The example of the of the element that was found related to the employees’ job satisfaction in few working environment comprises of supervision quality, orientation and training, job characteristics, and demographic variables are factors that have been shown. There has been proved that both work-related characteristics and demographic variables contribute to the job satisfaction. Work- related characteristic comprises of supervision quality, orientation and training, and feedback. (Goleman, 2012)
The study has shown that supervisor play an important roles toward the development and enhancement of the organization. The success of the organization whether it is a private or public organization has been hinder and this development had been impeding due to the supervisory behaviour. In addition to this point, satisfaction of persons can be influenced by both by an element of nature and level of supervision. Assuming, both the nature and level of supervision is an element that can bring effect toward satisfaction of person in relation to their work. ( Karel & Lamoen, 2012)
Hypothesis (H2): Satisfaction of supervision is correlated with the overall job satisfaction
2.4 Work Itself
With regard to the philosophy created by Frederick Herzberg's he has mention his perspective on how to motivate the employees. He came out with the theory of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory. This theory discusses the elements that may contribute to the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. There are two factors that made up the Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory which are intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. ( DeShields Jr & Kaynak, 2005).
Two separate factors that cause the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction have been identified in this theory. There are no linear relationship between both factors that contributes to the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. It was not always seemed that the factors that cause satisfaction can be in relation with the cause that causes dissatisfaction. Extrinsic motivator is more toward the tangible asset. (House & Wigdor, 2006). It defines the motivator in term of tangible thing such as, status, job security, remuneration, and fringe benefits. If the organizations are not rewarding their employees accordingly with the extrinsic reward this situation will leads to the dissatisfaction and unmotivated habit among the individual. Shortened, extrinsic motivation can be well define as the basic need of the individuals. (Ryan, M. Deci, & L., 68-78)
 In contrast intrinsic motivator can be defining as something that relates more toward the emotional need. It defines what the inner need of the individual. Shortened it was less tangible as compared to the extrinsic motivator. To become a successful organization, the organization needs to ensure that their employees receive the intrinsic reward accordingly in order to develop a strong individual and team performance. ( Bartol & Srivastava, 2002)
The organization can ensure these through the use of several element of the intrinsic motivator such as challenging work, recognition, relationships, and growth potential. Frederick Herzberg’s has comes out with the ideas of the Two-Factor Theory where this theory mainly focus on the idea of expectation. Expectation is the crucial element that differentiates Two-Factor Theory. (Wigfield, 1994). In concern toward the theory that has been develop by Frederick Herzberg’s, the expectation element play a significant influences toward the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. Both of the motivators have a reverse relationship, which means that intrinsic motivators tend to stimulate motivation when they are present, while extrinsic motivators tend to diminish motivation when they are absent. Salary and benefits are regard as the extrinsic motivators. (Goleman, 2012)
 These motivators will be in steady condition while when the element of the extrinsic motivation is absent it will bring dissatisfaction toward the employees. Intrinsic motivator initiates the inner feeling of the individual. The individual feel satisfy in performing their task because they do the work for their own sake and feel satisfy when they can answer the curiosity. (Judge & Klinger, Job Satisfaction Subjective Well-Being at Work, 2009)
One of the benefits that will be gain through the intrinsic motivation is it will become as the additional motivation. Throughout the philosophy that has been define by Frederick Herzberg’s in his Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory; the organization has to bring more attention on the nature of the work itself. In the other word, the organization needs to develop more intrinsic motivators such as give chances for the intrinsic motivators for the employees to gain status, assuming responsibility, and achieving self-realization. In order to develop an employee’s satisfaction toward producing dynamic workforce, the organization needs to reduce the dissatisfaction by focusing on the job atmosphere. (Evans, 2010)
The job setting such as of policies, procedures, supervision, and working conditions do bring impact toward motivation of the employees’. Two-factor theory that has been developed by Frederick Herzberg’s is closely connected to our argument of the association among work itself, satisfaction and motivation, states that workers satisfaction rest on their need fulfilment . There are deviations from among the factors that contribute to the advancement satisfaction and dissatisfaction toward white-collar workers. This study has been conducted by the Herzberg and the result reflects that, the factors causing satisfaction was different as to be compared to the factors that causes the dissatisfaction. (Evans, 2010)
Dissatisfaction factors are used interchangeably with the term Hygiene factors. These hygiene factors also may be comprises of quality of supervision, company policy and supervision, working conditions, remunerations, incomes and other monetary remuneration. The intrinsic motivation also can be defined as the motivator. This means that the motivator showed the satisfaction of the employees.
Growth, responsibility, achievement, advancement, recognition and work itself are the element that makes up the motivators and lead to the satisfaction of the employees’. In concern toward the research that has been carried out by Herzberg, he has stressed, that the job content do bring impact toward the job satisfaction. The hygiene factors can provide satisfaction, but it was insufficient to provide ultimate satisfaction. (Evans, 2010) 
Shortened, if the organization wants to have effective workplace motivation, the organization needs to pay attention on the element of motivators. Two factors of the Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory has contributes significant effects toward the satisfaction of the employees’. Both intrinsic motivators and extrinsic motivator are crucial for the organization to be puts into consideration and this theory has extensive consequences toward the job satisfaction. (Hersey, Blanchard, & Johnson, 2011).In the education field the priority are been given to the school performance. The school performance is largely depending on the teaching processes. Motivations have built a linkage between teacher motivation and teacher intrinsic abilities. The organization need to satisfy  and motivate their own employees’ in order to have an effective and excellent  school environment in various term such as  good physical, psychological, and social climate in the classroom. ( Caprara, Barbaranelli, Steca, & Malone, 2006).
 Hypothesis (H3): Work itself is positively related with job satisfaction.
2.5 Intrinsic Motivation
Satisfaction of teacher are reflected when the teachers are dedicated and engaged to their job. Shortened satisfaction of teacher will bring the greater result toward the development of the organization. (Sargent & Hannum, 2005)
There are several elements that may donate to the demotivation of teachers. Factors such as job stress, unsociability, incapable in handling the classroom and un-conducive working environments are the list of the factors that may contributes to the rising of problems in order to keep teachers motivate in their own profession which is teaching. (Engelking, 1987)
Skill employee can be defined as the employees that possessed a special ability or talent in performing their task. Skilled employee’s means nothing when they are not well motivated by the organization. Skilled employees cannot perform their task effective and efficiently when there is insufficient element of motivation. ( Motowildo, Borman, & Schmit, 1997)
The psychological states of the employees are link with the motivation of the employees. There are several conditions of psychological states which are appropriate and directly improve work motivation and work satisfaction but this condition depends on the characteristics and nature of the job. (Frase, E., Sorenson, & Larry, 1992).
Teachers’ played very important roles as determinant of the successful of their learners’ or students’ performance. Various researches has proved that there is a linkage between teachers’ influences on the learners’  motivation, achievement, negative feelings, and effort. ( Ballard & Bates, 2008)
There is different level of motivation or the inner feeling of teachers’ that might bring impact toward the learners’ or the students’. Several studies have proved that two crucial factors that impact learners’ motivation are enthusiasm and commitment. (Zoltan & Istvan, 1998). In order to raise the motivation toward teaching, reinforce their commitment, and enthusiasm, numerous studies has found designed a set of self-motivating approaches for teachers’.
In addition, teacher motivation also had been influences by the student motivation and achievement. Study has been carried out to investigate the linkage between motivation of teaches’ and learners’ achievement. ( Wolters, Yu, & Pintrich, 1996). There are various factors that contribute to the motivation of teacher in relation to student achievement.
Several factors contribute to the motivation of teacher and how these factors bring influence toward their teaching processes. There are four motivational features that are, being open to some influential harmful effects which are intrinsic component, contextual factors, and temporal axis and being fragile. Intrinsic motivation can be define as the inner feeling of the individual where they feel satisfied and pleasure of doing thing. They do the thing without hoping for any reward. They enjoy doing the particular activity only to meet their own satisfaction. ( Bénabou & Tirole, 2003)
There are two types of motivation, which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. ( Deci & Ryan, 2000). Intrinsic motivation can be define as something that are intangible such as the inner feeling of individual where the person feel satisfied and pleasure in doing thing. The individual doing things is for their own sake. In contrast with the extrinsic motivation where it can be defined as something that is tangible such as salary or known as extrinsic reward. This extrinsic reward will boost up the motivation of the individual where they will feel satisfy when doing thing and at the end they will be rewarded for their hard works. (Oudejans, R., 2007). There a numbered of the research that has been carried out throughout the whole world with regard to this topic on the intrinsic motivation. The finding of the study has established the factors that show why teacher felt demotivating and dissatisfying in performing their task in teaching. (Iyengar & Lepper, 2000). This factors that contributes to the dissatisfaction and demotivation are outside of their control. Few reasons has been listed out such as remuneration and fringe benefits, job security, promotion opportunities and training opportunities, workload, working atmosphere, the unorganized curriculum, teacher sovereignty, administration, leadership and management, lack of inspiration, attitudes of colleagues, low motivational level, lack of interest toward learning and disruptive behaviour. (Engelking, 1987)
The job satisfaction among academic might also be influence by the demographics related factors such as gender. The differences in gender between male and female also was shows deviation in the result, where female academic has lower levels of the overall job satisfaction as compared to the male academics. In contrast, there was a study that has been conducted and the result from the finding shows that, female lecturers’ are more satisfied with their work as to be compare to the male lecturers’ counterpart was. (Vandenberghe & Huberman, 1999). The study has shown that the age factors do contributes to the job satisfaction level of the individual. There also a finding of the research that shown the age factors does have weak correlation with the motivation of the employees in the organization. ( Ingersoll, 2001). The higher the ranking or the status of the individual, the more satisfy the individual was. This has been proved where it shows that, professors were more pleased in relationships of their overall satisfaction compared to their counterparts in other academic ranks. People in the lower rank tend to have lower level of motivation. ( Hofstede, 1980)
Hypothesis (H4): Job satisfaction is associated with intrinsic motivation
2.6 Theoretical Framework
Job Satisfaction and Motivation of Teachers’ of Public Educational Institutions


2.7 Hypothesis
(H1) Reward and recognition has positive relationship with job satisfaction
(H2) Satisfaction with supervision is correlated with overall job satisfaction
(H3) Work itself is positively related with job satisfaction
(H4) Job satisfaction is associated with the intrinsic motivation
3.0 Introduction
In this chapter, the research methodology explained about how well the study will be carried out. Section 3.1discuses on research approaches, Section 3.2 explains on the type of research and Section 3.3 discuss a research methodology, Section 3.4 discussing on research design on the other hand, Section 3.5 discussing on the unit of analysis Section 3.6 explains on sample size also Section 3.7 mention on the delimitation of study, Section 3.8 discusses on sampling technique, Section 3.9 explain on measurements, Section 3.10 elaborates on data collection, Section 3.11 explains on data analysis,  Section 3.12 discusses on  pilot study and finally conclusion is provided in the summary at the end of the Chapter 3.
3.1 Research approaches
The approaches apply to this research, namely quantitative methods. On the other hand, quantitative research is a scientific clarification that aims to measure the social world objectively, to test hypothesis and to forecast and control human actions. Furthermore, it refers to the numerical demonstration and influence of observations, used to describe and explain the phenomenon that such observation reflects. For purposes of this study a quantitative approach are about to be  used as the research is to be  directed at understanding the job satisfaction and the factors that contribute to work motivation  among teachers in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. This approach will be chosen, because the primary data were to be gathered through the instrument: namely the structure questionnaire.
3.2 Type of research
The category of study be determined by the purpose of the research has and the practical application, thereof. The enthusiasm for the research would determine whether it is applied research or basic research. Applied research can be defined as the scientific planning of encouraged change in a worrying situation with the focus on a problem in practice. ( SHERMAN, 1988).Applied research is designed to resolve practical problems of the modern world rather than to attain knowledge for knowledge's.  One might say that the goal of the applied scientists is to enhance the human condition.
Thus, the current study took the form of applied research, since the main concern was to determine the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in the public educational institution at the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. The findings will be valuable in improving the job satisfaction of the teachers’ in the public educational institution.
3.3 Research methodology
The research that I am proposing will be quantitative because in this research I have decided to collect information of job satisfaction and motivation of teachers in the public educational institutions. There are 3 motivating factors that contribute to the job satisfaction of the teachers’ in the public educational institution such as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself. I would like to carry out the quantitative research because I want to investigate the relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in public educational institutions. (Earl R., The Practice of Social Research, 2010)
 More than that, I am decided to use this research approach because it is more reliable and objective. The information to be collected is more objective which means it is more focussed to investigate the relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in the public educational institutions.
Furthermore, I find it is easier for me to use the quantitative research because I can use statistics to generalise a finding. There is a lot of previous research that has been carried out by previous researcher regarding to this topic. So it is easier for me to retrieve a more reliable and valid information to conduct my research. In order to have a solid research proposal I need to have a good research approach, so by choosing quantitative research it often reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited number of variables. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). For example, with regard to my research I have listed out 2 types of variables which are job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ in the public educational institution.
Throughout this research I will looks at relationships between variables and can establish cause and effect in highly controlled circumstances. There are three research question that to be use in this research.
There are:
1. What are the influence of rewards and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and the work itself on job satisfaction?
2. What are the levels of motivation among the teachers’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan?
3. Is there any significant relationship between the job satisfaction and motivation among teaches’ in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan? 
In addition, by conducting quantitative research it will give me a chance to tests theories or hypotheses. With regard to my research, the hypotheses that I would like to test is “There is a significant effect between job satisfactions in relation to the motivation of teachers’ in public educational institution”.
 Finally, by having quantitative research approach it assumes sample is representative of the population. The population to be used for this research survey was aimed at 300 teachers’ of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.
Using simple random sampling technique, the questionnaires are to be distributing to 300 teachers’ of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan. The research studies are to be conducted based on the descriptive survey and correlational design. A survey design is to be chosen to ensure collection of information which precisely describes the nature prevailing condition at specific point in time.
3.4 Research Design
Research design involves a series of rational decision making choices relating to decisions regarding the purpose for the study (exploratory, descriptive, hypothesis testing), location (the study setting), the type it should conform to (type of investigation), the extent to which it is manipulated and controlled by researcher (extent of the research interference), its temporal aspects (time horizon) and the level of which data will be analysed (unit of analysis), are important to research design. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). The type of investigation that to be used for this study is correlational study in which I am interested in highlighting the important variables associated with the problem. In order to conduct this study, it is estimated that there will only a minimal interference as the data collected will not interfere the normal activities in that organization. The research is on field study in which it is a no contrived setting with a minimal researchers’ interference. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013).
 With regard to this study, the research is about to carry out the descriptive survey. In addition the survey method are to be apply in this research because to guarantee the collection of information are more exactly describes the nature of the dominant conditions at a specific point of time. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.5 Unit of Analysis
Unit of analysis can be defined as the level of aggregation of the data collected during the subsequent data analysis. In this study, the unit of analysis is based on the individual. Here, means that the data that to be collected are from each individuals and treating each teachers responses as an individual data sources. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.6 Sample Size
It is important to select most appropriate  respondents in order to get a valid result when investigating the variables that relate to my topic on job satisfaction and motivation of teachers’ of public educational institutions. Population of the study was comprised of all the teachers of public educational institutions. According to this research it will involve all the population at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. Teachers in the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis will be selected to become the respondents for my research.
 As suggested by (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013), a population of sampling from of 600 constitute to 300 sample size of the numbers respondent is to be used in this research. Since the school has a total population of 600 teachers, so it is advise to use the sample size as proposed by (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013) which is 300 teachers in which she refer to table by Krejcie and Morgan 1970, that provides generalized scientific guidelines for sample size decision. (Kenya Projects Organization [KENPRO], 2012)
3.7 Delimitations of the study
Due to limit time and available resources with the researcher have, the study was delimited to the following element. The first element of delimitation of this research is the setting. The setting of the research takes place at public educational institution, where it takes place at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan. The second delimitation is the respondents of the research which comprises of the teachers in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.8 Sampling Technique
Sampling is the process of selecting sufficient number of elements from a population which makes it easier to generalize such properties or characteristics to the population elements. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
The population to be used for this research survey was aimed at 300 teachers’ of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.  The sampling technique to be used is simple random sampling. This type of sampling technique where  each individual is selected casually and wholly by chance, such that each individual has the same possibility of being selected at any phase throughout the sampling procedure. A simple random sample is an unprejudiced surveying method.

3.9 Measurement
The research measurement consists of two parts:
 The first research measurement for this research is the participation among teachers in answering the questionnaire which is related to the job satisfaction and motivation of the teacher’s in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. Secondly, demographic variables that consist in this questionnaire are the age, ethinicity and gender. Gender and ethnicity are based on the nominal scale, whereas the age will be based on the ratio scale. Likert scale from “very dissatisfy to very satisfy” and “highly demotivating to highly motivating.” is classified as the interval scale. Questionnaires made are in form of English language.
3.10 Data Collection
The study will be carried out to investigate the job satisfaction and motivation of teacher of public educational institution. The applicant of the questionnaire will be used to distribute among the teachers in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis. The questionnaire that will be used in this research is adopted from Craig A. Mertler from Bowling Green State University. This questionnaire will be adopted to be applying in this research because the previous researcher had done the research in this area.
The used of the questionnaire as a data collection method is appropriate as it cost less expensive and it establishes rapport and motivates the respondents. The questionnaire is to be printed in white papers and English language is to be used as a medium of communication in the questionnaires.
The questionnaire will be send directly to the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis in expecting that school will distributes a complete questionnaire to the selected respondents. The researcher will ensure the questionnaire distributed to them are to be keep confidentially and will not result to any bad effect toward their career in trusting that this research is only meant for academic purposes.
With regard to this research secrecy is priority. Neither names nor any other means of relating a particular instrument to a teacher was documented on the instruments. All the questionnaire, once completed will be wrapped in one same envelops. The envelopes were to be opened only by the researcher, who had no way to discover which teacher completed which instrument. The confidentiality of the information to be given by teacher is assured safe.
A cover letter together with the consent letter are also to be delivered together in requesting that the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan will return back the complete answer questionnaire in the enveloped to be  provided to the researchers.
Primary data were to be gathered through an instrument: namely the structure questionnaire. The research instrument will collect data on job satisfaction in relation to motivation of teachers’ in public educational institution based on three motivating factors which are reward and recognition, satisfaction and supervision and work itself. The teachers' will express their levels of agreement based on questionnaire anchored on the five Likert scale from “very dissatisfy to very satisfy” and “highly demotivating to highly motivating.”

3.11 Data Analysis
The study carried out uses SPSS Version 20.0 descriptive statistics which involve transformation of raw data into a form that would provide information to describe a set of factors in a situation and this is done through ordering and manipulation of the raw data collected. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). In order to measure teachers’ motivation, the mean score or the average is use as a measure of central tendency that offers a general picture of the data without unnecessarily inundating one with each of the observations in a data set.
Kendall’s tau-b will be used to investigate the associates between each dependent variables and independent variable such as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013). The results of the survey are to be analyse using descriptive statistics and correlational techniques. The data that gathered processed and analyse using SPSS version 20.0 statistical package for windows. Before conducting the correlational analysis, exploratory factor analysis, the Cronbach’s alpha tests is to be computed to determine scale reliability. (Sakaran & Bougie, 2013)
3.12 Pilot testing
Pilot Test
A pilot test has been carried out at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan in Kangar, Perlis. For the purpose of this research, 15 respondents were carefully chosen and the questionnaire was distributed to each of the respondents. Based on the Cronbach’s Alpha value the testing was conducted in order to ensure the consistency of all related aspects in the research.
The following important phase was to check the validity and reliability of the questionnaires. In order to confirm items, it was demanded to the panel of experts to enhance the items, in format and language in order to make the questionnaire simple and clear. In this concern toward the response acknowledged from the specialists, the questionnaires were confirmed. The questionnaire of teacher job satisfaction and motivation was administered on 15 numbers of teachers of Sekolah Menengah KebangsaanSyed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.
Small group (n=15) of teachers at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan has been pilot-tested by using the instrument. As the result, Cronbach’s alpha was estimated to be (α=0.718) shown the internal consistency reliability of the instrument. (Refer table 3.1). In conclusion, adequate degree of content and face validity and internal consistency reliability was considered been possessed by the final version of the instrument.
I am personally visited and administered related questionnaires and respondents were requested to give their suggestions freely for the improvement of the questionnaires. For determining the validity of questionnaires item analysis to total Pearson Product–Moment Coefficient of Correlation (r) was computed. For determining the reliability of these instruments, Cronbach’s Alpha was applied to calculate internal consistency of items. These results of the pre-test were analysed by using the Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items
Table 3.1
Validity of the Instrument
The word validity can be referred to the measuring instrument to be used in this research for the data collection. Validity helps to ensure the data collection meet the intentional objective. (Key., 1997)
The instrument implemented for this research was given to an expert in Educational field, of Faculty of Education of UiTM Shah Alam. The expert in this field then crosses checked the questions consisted in the questionnaire and approved those questionnaire if the all of the questions in the questionnaire are well developed to request information compulsory for the study.
Reliability of instrument
With regard to this context of research, the reliability can be defined as the tests are concerned with the consistency in measuring something. As the adopted instrument in this research has been checked by an expert and established to be well-intentioned enough to search for facts therefore the instrument adopted for this research was make consistent. Furthermore, the researchers also adopted a test and re–test of the instrument, and a significant reliability index was grasped. (Key., 1997)
In summary Chapter 3 is begin with the introduction of the approach that to be chosen to conduct the research. In addition the type of the research and methodology are to be well elaborate later. Target population, the sampling technique and data collection and data analysis method are to be clarified. The next chapter will report information on data analysis and discussion of the finding.


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Dear respondents,
I am students’ of Master of Education in Educational Management and Leadership (ED705) programme. I am conducting a research entitle “ Job Satisfaction and Motivation of Teachers of Public Educational Institution” This research is part in fulfilling the Research Methodology (EDU702) subject.  All the information given will be kept confidential and it will be used for this research only.

Thank you for your cooperation

Welcome...and thank you for taking a few minutes to complete...
The Teacher Motivation and Job Satisfaction Survey

DIRECTIONS: For each item, please indicate your response by TICK on the appropriate button.
What is your level of satisfaction with your job as a teacher?

If you had the opportunity to start over in a new career, would you choose to become a teacher?

Generally speaking, do you believe that the teachers with whom you work are motivated?

More than 10
How many teachers do you know or work with would you classify as unmotivated

5. On the following 6-point scale, indicate the degree to which each of the following serve as a motivating factor or an demotivating factor for teachers.


recognition (e.g., receiving praise from administrators, parents, students, or

 recognition (e.g., receiving praise from administrators, parents, students, or
supervision by superiors (e.g., overall competence of superiors)

interpersonal relationships with colleagues (e.g., interaction with other
salary (e.g., financial compensation)
job security (e.g., tenure)
status (e.g., professional status of teaching)

interpersonal relationships with administrators (e.g., interaction with
sense of achievement (e.g., experiencing success)

working conditions (e.g., building conditions, amount of work, facilities
district policies (e.g., overall effects of the district as an organization)
teacher evaluation (e.g., appraisal of classroom instruction by evaluator)
responsibility (e.g., autonomy, authority and responsibility for own work)

potential for advancement (e.g., possibility of assuming different positions in
the profession)
work itself (e.g., aspects associated with the tasks of teaching)
factors in personal life (e.g., effects of teaching on one's personal life)
interpersonal relationships with students (e.g., interaction with students)

sense of accountability (e.g., being held directly

6. On the following 6-point scale, indicate the degree to which each of the following items serve as a motivating factor or a demotivating factor for teachers.

a one-time monetary award (supplemental to the step increase)
being selected as "Teacher of the Year" in the district
an instructional workshop offered by the district for a fee
having students thank a teacher for aiding in the understanding of a difficult
an instructional workshop offered and paid for by the district
being given the opportunity to participate in teacher projects (e.g., research,
curriculum development)
early retirement/contract buy-out
observing vast improvement in the achievement levels of one's students since
the beginning of the year
being awarded a plaque by students
being permitted to purchase additional equipment and supplies for the classroom

What is your gender?

What is your age?

Including the current school year, how many years of
Teaching experience do you have?

Which best describes your current school setting?

Which best describes your current school level?


Case Processing Summary

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
N of Items


                                                                          Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Corrected Item-Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted


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