Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to
Students’ Academic Performance
Operational Definition
Relative to this study, definition to the
following terms are provided in order to clarify each in the context of the
Academic achievement- student performance on state
assessments Cunningham (2003). However the propose study; overall will be
measure of academic achievement used. This tern is used interchangeably with
student achievement.
Student achievement- the act of achieving
or in another word the accomplishments as a result gained by great effort. In
the context of academic it basically based on the quantity and quality of
students’ work. More than that, it is one form of acquirement by a person or
students with relates to a skill of mind or body usually resulting from
continued endeavour. (Merriam Webster)
When students feel safe, engaged, and
respected, they can focus on their academic goals. Effective character
educators ensure that these needs are met. Character education is the
foundation upon which students can reach academic achievement. It’s not just
about teaching kids to be good. It’s teaching them to be their best.
Lecturer experience- Sometimes experience means accumulated knowledge and sometimes it
refers to a single spectacular event. Learning by experience is a method of
acquiring knowledge by doing and not by reading.
The knowledge or skill acquired by a
period of practical experience of something, especially which gained in a
particular profession. With relates to the academic lecturer experience can be
illustrates through an educational talk to an audience, especially one of
students in a university in each course there are supporting lectures and
tutorials. Lecturers’ experience also can be defined as the ways lecturers
handle their students and through this phenomenon they can gain more
Lecturer subject matter expertise- A Subject Matter Expert is an
individual who understands a business process or area well enough to answer
questions from people in other groups who are trying to help. It is most
commonly used to describe the people who explain the current process to IT and
then answer their questions as they try to build a technology system to
automate or streamline the process.( F. John Reh. ). With regard to the academic field lecturer need to
have a major understanding in subject that they are going to teach onward. This
is really important because without optimal knowledge on subject that they are
going to give lecture to their student, they are unable to carry out smooth
teaching and learning processes.
Lecturer qualification-Capacity, knowledge, or skill that
matches or suits an occasion, or makes someone eligible for a duty, office,
position, privilege, or status. Qualification denotes fitness for purpose
through fulfilment of necessary conditions such as attainment of a certain age,
taking of an oath, completion of required schooling or training, or acquisition
of a degree or diploma. Qualification does not necessarily imply competence.
Precise limitation (from general to particular) of language, scope, or terms
that would otherwise be interpreted broadly or differently. Teacher’s professional qualification is
tied to his/her competence in instruction and management of students and
materials in the classroom. First, Nigeria educational system requires that all
teachers in all educational institution nationwide should be professionally
trained. This is with the view of enhancing teacher’s commitment to the
teaching profession. Hence, the national policy on education stipulated that
the minimum qualification for entry into the teaching profession shall be the Nigerian
Certificate of Education (NCE); it is therefore on the recognition of this fact
that government setup the Teacher’s Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)
under Act 31 of 1993 to control and regulate the practice of the profession.
Federal Republic of Nigeria, National Policy
on Education, Lagos: NERDC (2004)
Lecturer attitude-An attitude is an expression of favour
or disfavour toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude object).
Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once described attitudes as "the
most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social
psychology." In a lay man’s language, attitude may refer to the distinct
concept of mood, or be especially synonymous with teenage rebellion. An attitude can be defined as a positive
or negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas, or just
about anything in your environment, but there is debate about precise definitions.
Eagly and Chaiken, for example, define an attitude "a psychological
tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree
of favour or disfavour." Though it is sometimes common to define an
attitude as affect toward an object, affect (i.e., discrete emotions or overall
arousal) is generally understood to be distinct from attitude as a measure of favourability.
A good lecturer is expected to be
committed to his work, would have the ability to take the initiative. A
lecturer’s personality in the attitudinal sense is a significant factor in
lecturer’s attitude and it has great impact on student’s achievement. The
lecturers or teachers as professional must know the art of communication,
understanding others and ability to learn from the experiences. They should be
able to facilitate learning effectively. The main purpose of this study was to investigate
the impact of lecturer’s attitude towards student’s performance on the academic
achievement of students in purchasing Management and the study is also designed
to sort out the relationship between teacher’s attitude and academic
achievement and performance of students with a particular reference to
purchasing management.
Teaching method -The principles and methods of
instruction can also be defined as the pedagogic. Mostly it related to the profession
of a teacher or lecturer and been used in education, instruction, teaching, didactics, educational activity. Pedagogy
is recognized as an important profession for teacher to teach and give instruction
during teaching and learning processed. In addition, teaching method is the
activities of educating or instructing activities that impart knowledge or
skills to students or learners.