Saturday, October 18, 2014

Introduction: Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance

Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance

This chapter focuses the background of the study which is on competencies of lecturers. It also emphasizes effects of competence lecturers toward the academic performance of the students. Section 1.1 discusses the background of study; section 1.2 explains the problem statement and section 1.3 states the research questions. Section 1.4 on the other hand, 1.5 states the research objectives ad section 1.6 is on the information regarding to the scope of study and lastly section 1.7is all about definition of terms and concepts.

This study aims at determining the impact of lecturers’ competencies on students’ academic performance at Mara University of Technology Shah Alam in Selangor Malaysia.  Lecturers’ competencies are one of the most critical objectives in all institutions of higher learning. Institution that fails to ensure good and excellence lecturers’ competencies’ will definitely affect their reputation as  excellence higher institution. Incompetence lecturers may also affect their students’ academic performance. This study employed quantitative method in examining the hypothesis. Survey method is used for data collection. Five competencies are selected to be measured for this study and total of 30 lecturers’ are chosen as sample in this case study. Competencies such as, subject matter expertise, lecturers experience, lecturers teaching skills, lecturer qualification and lecturer attitude are significantly relates to student academic achievement positively. 

Significance of Study : Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance

Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance
Significant of Study

A major concern in higher education is to increase student achievement. One of the ways to do this is to focus on the lecturers’ competences which will influence student achievement. The empirical investigation of the distinct effects of diverse elements of the lecturer competence on student’s academic performance in education management remains on the area of substantial interest to education researchers. This study provides some relevant insights on the distinct magnitudes to which distinct lecturer competence elements affect students’ academic performances. Moreover, such knowledge will help academic staff in designing more effective teaching strategies that can improve learners’ academic achievements. In addition, this study will be useful to both lecturers and students who may want to know the factors that could make or hinder the student academic achievement. Understanding lecturer teaching skills will allow for professional development for lecturer to focus on the areas to increase student academic performance. Lastly, understanding the importance of lecturers and the impact on student performance will help universities administrators retain lecturers to make their teachings student-centred.

Limitation: Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance Limitation

Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance


This study centre on the effects of lecturers’ competence on academic performance of students in Mara University of Technology Shah Alam in Shah Alam, Selangor. It aimed at all students in Mara University of Technology Shah Alam, but due to the time, money and other factors it will be limited to only Faculty of Administrative Science and Policies Studies.

With regard to this research it will focus on the lecturers competence based on five competencies are selected to be measured for this study and total of 30 lecturers’ are chosen as sample in this case study. This study employed quantitative method in examining the hypothesis. Survey method is used for data collection. Five competencies are selected to be measured for this study and total of 30 lecturers’ are chosen as sample in this case study. Competencies such as, subject matter expertise, lecturers experience, lecturers teaching skills, lecturer qualification and lecturer attitude are significantly relates to student academic achievement positively.