Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Background of Study

The most priceless assets of any of the organization are the human resources. (People are your most valuable asset :Putting HR to work for you, 2010). Human resources played very important roles in contribution toward the development of the organization.  There are several ways that we can apply in order to gauze the effectiveness of the institution.
The institution is said had achieved the level of effectiveness when the organization is capable to maintain the quality team in relation to well be managing contribution each of the employees in the organization. In addition, motivation is about the inner feeling of the individual. What the individual eager to do. Motivation is the significant factor in in setting and accomplishing goals. Shortened, the component that applies strength on our act and effort can be well-defined as motivation.
 There are numerous advantages that the organization gained through having a highly motivated team of employees in the organization. One of the advantage were the organization are capable to endeavour with the other competitors. Secondly, the highly motivated employees would have a noble morale. Furthermore, the organization better able realizing the aims of the organization when the organization have a highly motivated team of employees. There is several importance of the human resource toward the success of the institution.
Referring to an American Industrialist, Henry Ford, he stated that the significant of the human resources by mentioning: “Take my business, burn up my building, but give me my people and I will build the business right back again” (FOLSOM, 1998). Unquestionably, highly motivated employees can contribute to the wealth of the organization. The supports of the employees toward the institution are in the form of their hard work and determination. In addition, the collapse of the institution also might be funded by the unhappy employees where their need and demand not being emphasized and fulfilled. (Jehangir, 2011)
Human resource management practices are said to be one of the crucial element that contributes toward the greatest practices for holding and inspiring human capital in an organization. Furthermore, reward and recognition always been applied in order to make employees felt pleased with his or her job and this will directly motivate the employees in performing his or her task. (A Skilled Workforce For Strong,Sustainable and Balancd Growth:A G20 Training Strategy, 2010).  Shortened human resources were vital behind the overall development and success of any organization. The organization was incapable to attain the uppermost level of motivation and job satisfaction if the institution does not identify the determinations and contributions of their employees and reward them accordingly. ( Khin Wong, 2009)
Self-confidence can be developed by given out reward and recognition to the employees. ( Managing the Workplace, 2012) Employees will recognise the appreciation from the organization when the organizations are offering different schemes of reward. This will make the employees realised that their works is being appreciated by the organization. In other word, if the employees are satisfied toward their organization and is when the organization offering different sorts of incentives and rewards to the employees they will make it as the stress reliever. Shortened, it is one form where it reflects employees are highly motivated to perform the tasks.
In addition, job satisfaction will define and be the crucial element to gauze the individual level of commitment and efficiency in his or her job. More than that, the job satisfaction significantly measures the truthfulness of each of the employees’ within the organization with regard to their occupation. ( Hashim , Sueb, & Hj Ariffin, 2012)
Furthermore it has been proved that, the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation does bring influences toward the job satisfaction of the individual teachers’. Hence, different level of teacher job satisfaction will bring impact toward the level of motivation of teachers. Moreover, this phenomenon soon will ultimately contribute optimistic effects on the students’ academic performance. ( Hashim , Sueb, & Hj Ariffin, 2012)
There are numerous of philosophy that had been well developed by the various philosophers in order to come out with the theories of the motivation. Most of theories show the linkage between the satisfaction and motivation. Satisfaction and motivation are inter-related between each other’s. Examples of the theories are Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman’s two-factor theory of job satisfaction and Vroom’s expectancy theory. All of the theories that have been listed out are the theories that further explain on the issues of the satisfaction and also motivation. ( Dhanapal, Mohd Alwie, Subramaniam, & Vashu, 2013)
Job satisfaction one of the important issues that had been discussed throughout the 21st century and in the era of globalization. In order to have highly motivated employees’ in the organization, the organization itself need to comply with the needs of each of their employees’ and this situation contributes to job satisfaction.  Job performance and turnover create a linkage toward job satisfaction. This has created a massive problem to the management of educational institution. ( AGNIHOTRI, 2013)

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