Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Definition of Terms/ Concepts

Relative to this study, definition to the following terms are provided in order to clarify each in the context of the topic:
Motivation can be define as desire that lies in every people or the things that alive. Internal and external factors that arouse desire and energy in people to be continually concerned and dedicated to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to achieve a goal. ( Franken, 2006). Motivation contributes from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. ( Beck, 2004). These factors are the reasons one has for acting a certain way.  In this context of this study, motivation is all about the motivating factors such as reward and recognition, satisfaction with supervision and work itself that can bring the initiating factors for a people to better achieve the targeted goals. The motivation will affect the teachers’ that would influence the ways people, group or team works depending on the different situation. Satisfaction also contributes to the differences in motivation level. Motivations are divided into two categories which are the intrinsic and extrinsic. Motivation is dependent, which means it work on its own as long it able to meet the need of the individual and satisfy the individual. Intrinsic motivation can be defined as the process of motivation by work itself in so far as it pleases the personal needs of the employee. Intrinsic motivation is self-generated and it is thought that people seek for a job they think will most satisfy their needs. ( Bénabou & Tirole, 2003) In addition, extrinsic motivation is the motivation from the outsider amount of effort other people give to the person to motivate them.
Extrinsic motivation is for example the rewards management provide such as pay rise, praise or promotion. Extrinsic motivations are efficient but the influence doesn’t last long. In this context of study, motivations of teacher are important that will contribute to the satisfaction of teachers’ in performing their task. In this context of study, the motivation is the independent variables that to be measures and how it will contributes toward the satisfaction of the teachers’. ( Bénabou & Tirole, 2003)
Satisfaction can be defined as one of the inner feeling that someone feel about themselves. This feeling occur because of the fulfilment of need or want. More than that, it can be define as the quality or state that has been satisfied. Employee satisfaction has become important element in today management of the organization and has been a key area of research among educational and organizational psychologists. ( Oliver, 2010)
 There is element which is very important that the public educational  institution need to puts into priority which is about the teachers’ job satisfaction which can be classified according to the focus on the teachers’ or the educational institution. All of the teachers’ within the educational institution are being worthy to be treated fairly and equally. In addition, the good treatment of the teachers’ with regards to the job scopes is the reflection of the job satisfaction which also being considered as pointer of emotional well-being or psychological health. In this context of study, the satisfaction of the teachers’ is the main focus. ( BISHAY, 1996)
Teachers’ play a very important roles in the educational field.  Referred to NCTE (1998) in Quality Concerns in Secondary Teacher Education, they stated that in any of the educational program teacher was regard as the crucial factor toward the success of the educational field. There are several roles played by teachers’. At any stage of the educational process, teacher is the one who are predominantly accountable for execution of the educational process toward the establishment of sound and quality outcomes of educational process. ( Tomlinson, 2011)
It would be valuable to invest in the training of teachers, so that the upcoming of a nation is protected. Concern to this research teachers’ need to be well develop and treated in order to make them satisfy and teachers’ who are happy with the works have high level of motivation that drive them to  performed and deliver better performance toward the educational institution. In this context of study, teachers are referring to the school teachers of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan, Kangar Perlis.

Public educational institution
Educational institution can be define as one of the organization that have been classified as one of the institution that executes an important function of given that learning experiences to each of the learners (students). The educational institution educates their students from the unawareness toward knowledge to the realization of the important of knowledge. In addition, educational institution also as an institution that dedicated to education establishment. (OECD, 2003)
Shortened educational institution also had been recognize as an organization created and amalgamated for a definite purpose. Preschool, school whether elementary school or secondary school, college and university are kind of educational institutions. All of these terms can be used interchangeably to define educational institution. In this context of study, the educational institution is referring to the secondary school which is it referred to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Syed Hassan.

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