3.1 Introduction
In this study, the researcher is concerned with the lecturer’s
competences in relation to student academic performance. This state has
triggered great apprehension to the department of education (Department of
Education, 2001).Parent also at the great worry because of this matter. This
chapter establishes a crucial part of any research procedure. Hence it sets out
the research methodology that are about to be use to achieve the objectives of
the study and will, therefore, define the methodology, procedure, methods and
sampling used in the research. Furthermore, it defines the data collection method
and analysis technique use. With regard to the research this part will
elaborate and explain more on the research design that are to be use, sample
and sampling technique, data gathering, statistical validity and reliability of
the research instrument and analytically technique apply.
3.2 Research approaches
The approaches apply to this research,
namely quantitative methods. On the other hand, quantitative research is
a scientific clarification that aims to measure the social world objectively,
to test hypothesis and to forecast and control human actions. Furthermore, it
refers to the numerical demonstration and influence of observations, used to
describe and explain the phenomenon that such observation reflects. For purposes
of this study a quantitative approach was used as the research was directed at understanding
the factors that contribute to poor academic performance among students
particularly at the Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam (UiTM). This approach
was chosen, because the primary data were to be gathered through two
instruments: namely the structure questionnaire and student’s statement of
academic result of all completed respective semester modules.
3.3 Type of research
The category of study be determined by
the purpose of the research has and the practical application, thereof. The enthusiasm
for the research would determine whether it is applied research or basic
research. Applied research can be defined as the scientific planning of encouraged
change in a worrying situation with the focus on a problem in practice. Applied
research is designed to resolve practical problems of the modern world rather
than to attain knowledge for knowledge's. One might say that the goal of the applied
scientists is to enhance the human condition. Thus, the current study took the
form of applied research, since the main concern was to determine the factors
that contribute to the incompetency of lecturer competences in relation to
student academic performances among undergraduate students at the Universiti
Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam (UiTM). The findings will be valuable in improving
the students’ academic performance.
Research design
With regard to this study, the research
is about to carry out the descriptive survey and correlational designs. In
addition the survey method are to be apply in this research because to
guarantee the collection of information are more exactly describes the nature
of the dominant conditions at a specific point of time.
3.5 Research methodology
The research that I am proposing will be
quantitative because in this research I have decided to collect information of
lecturer competence in relation to student academic performance. There are 5
factors that contribute to the competences of the lecturers such as lecturer
teaching method, lecturer experience, lecturer subject matter expertise,
lecturer qualification and lecturer attitudes. I would like to carry out the
quantitative research because I want to investigate the relationship between
the competencies of the lecturers in relation to student academic performances.
More than that, I am decided to use this
research approach because it is more reliable and objective. The information to
be collected is more objective which means it is more focussed to investigate
the relationship between the lecturer’s competence and the student academic
performances. Furthermore, I find it is easier for me to use the quantitative
research because I can use statistics to generalise a finding. There is a lot
of previous research that has been carried out by previous researcher regarding
to this topic. So it is easier for me to retrieve a more reliable and valid
information to conduct my research.
In order to have a solid research
proposal I need to have a good research approach, so by choosing quantitative
research it often reduces and restructures a complex problem to a limited
number of variables. For example, with regard to my research I have listed out
2 types of variables which are lecturer competences and student academic
performances. Throughout this research I will looks at relationships between
variables and can establish cause and effect in highly controlled
circumstances. There are five relationship that to be use in this research.
There are:
•To what degree does lecturer’s
competence affect students’ academic performance?
•Is there any significant relationship
between the lecturers’ teaching skills and student academic performance?
•Is there any relationship between the
lecturers’ experience and students’ academic performance?
•Is there any relationship between the
lecturers’ subject matter expertise and students’ academic performance?
•Is there any relationship between the
lecturers’ qualification and students’ academic performance?
•Is there any relationship between the
lecturers’ attitude and students’ academic performance?
In addition, by conducting quantitative
research it will give me a chance to tests theories or hypotheses. With regard
to my research, the hypotheses that I would like to test is “There is a
significant effect between lecturers’ competences in relation to student academic
performances”. Finally, by having quantitative research approach it assumes
sample is representative of the population. The population to be used for this
research survey was aimed at 150 final semester students of Faculty of
Administrative and Policy Studies. Using simple random sampling technique, the
questionnaires are to be distributing to 150 final semester students.
The research studies are to be conducted
based on the descriptive survey and correlational design. A survey design is to
be chosen to ensure collection of information which precisely describes the
nature prevailing condition at specific point in time.
3.6 Sample and sampling technique
The population to be used for this
research survey was aimed at 150 final semester students of Faculty of
Administrative and Policy Studies. Using simple random sampling technique, the
questionnaires are to be distributing to 150 final semester students.
3.7 Data collection method
Primary data were to be gathered through
two instruments: namely the structure questionnaire and student’s statement of
academic result of all completed respective semester modules. The research
instrument collect data on student’s
perceptions regarding lecturer’s subject knowledge, lecturer attitudes,
teaching skills, lecturer experience, lecturer subject matter expertise and
lecturer’s qualification. The students will express their levels of agreement
based on questionnaire anchored on the five Likert scale from strongly,
disagree and strongly agree.
3.8 Data analysis technique
The results of the survey are to be
analyse using descriptive statistics and correlational techniques. The data
that gather processed and analyse using SPSS version 21 statistical package for
windows. Before conducting the correlational analysis, exploratory factor
analysis, the Cronbach’s alpha and KMO tests were computed to determine scale
reliability and adequacy of the sampling size respectively.
3.9 Summary
In summary chapter 3 is begin with the
introduction of the approach that to be been chosen to conduct the research. In
addition the type of the research and methodology are to be well elaborate
later. Target population, the sampling technique and data collection and data
analysis method are to be explicated. The next chapter will report information
on data analysis and discussion of the finding.
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