Sunday, October 26, 2014


Lecturers’ Competences in Relation to Students’ Academic Performance
With reference to the research you are proposing,
Explain why you select the research topic/area. Provide the justification of your research

Teaching and learning are two dimensions of the academic world and both depend on lecturers capabilities therefore, an effective lecturer has been conceptualised as one who produces desired outcomes in the course of his duty as a lecturer. Therefore, upon the observed deterioration in the academic accomplishments, attitude and values of students, one curiously wonders if the high failure rates and the poor quality of the students is not a reflection of the teaching quality or lack of lecturer’s competencies. In other words the incompetence of lecturers in classroom interaction with the students could be responsible for the observed poor performance of students in the classroom (Cohen, 1981; Theall & Franklin, 2001).
A competency comprises of one or more skills whose mastery would affect the attainment of the competency. A competency has its relation with all the three fields under which performance can be assessed. These fields are knowledge, skill and attitude. Because the competencies are observable, they are also measurable. It is possible to assess a competency from the performance of a lecturer. It is not necessary that all competencies of a lecturer have the same extent of knowledge, skill and attitude. There may be some competencies involving more of knowledge than skill and attitude, whereas, same competencies may be skill or performance oriented (Doyle,2008). Richards (2006) highlighted in his research that any definition of lecturer competence depends on teaching in a particular setting, the culture and values held in the community. It also depends on the innumerable lecturer and student characteristics and the classroom context. Through the above definitions we conclude that lecturer primary aim is to make students learn effectively and efficiently. In doing so, a lecturer has to do several activities such as plan classroom activity properly, provide effective instruction and evaluate the learning using appropriate methods and techniques. The effectiveness or ineffectiveness of teaching is closely linked to lecturer competencies. Competent lecturer would also create classroom conditions and climate, which are conducive for student learning. Research shows that students are the most relevant and qualified sources to determine the extent to which the learning experience was productive, informative, satisfying or meaningful. Although opinions on these matters are not direct measures of lecturer effectiveness, they do provide legitimate indications of student academic performance and satisfaction. Furthermore, there is substantial research connecting student satisfaction to effective teaching methods (Theall & Franklin, 2001). A meta-analysis of 41 research studies provides the strongest evidence for the validity of student ratings since these studies examined the relationship between student ratings and student learning. Doyle (2008) mentioned that, “The use of students’ ratings for evaluating lecturer effectiveness is the single most researched issue in all of higher education”.
There is ample debate within the education community around the world on how teaching effectiveness may be defined and measured. Braskamp and Ory (1994) include teaching and learning in their definition, defining effective teaching as the “creation of situations in which appropriate learning occurs; shaping those situations is what successful lecturers have learned to do effectively”. There are many researchers who focused on whether or not students are legitimate judges of teaching effectiveness. Theall (2009) mentioned that the students can answer questions about the lecturers teaching quality, the value of readings and assignments, and the clarity of the instructor's explanations. Thus, students are certainly qualified to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction through their experience. They have a right to share their opinions in any case and no one else can report the extent to which the experience was useful, productive, informative, satisfying, or worthwhile. An expectation that cannot be fulfilled on the institutions is the key factors for students’ withdrawal (Alridge & Rowley, 2001). According to the study by Kanji, Malek, and Wallace (1999) do give some insights on the real situation of the Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia. Most institutions do give a great deal of importance to meeting students expectations which is similar to business organization, but they still lack customer awareness among the staff, and it has become a common drawback for many institutions. This brings us to an understanding that students will have more opportunity to support their continued into higher educational institutions and on how well the educational programs and services met students’ expectations.
More than that I have decided to make research in this area because there are several factor that influence the incompetence lecturer that directly bring impact toward student academic performance. I have listed several research question that suit to my research that will help to answer all the confusion in this research. Supposed that the lecturers’ competence contributes towards student academic performance, it is to be wondered whether are there any significant association between them.

  These are the following questions in order to better understand the factors of lecturers’ competence.
1.         To what degree does lecturer’s competence affect students’ academic performance?
2.         Is there any significant relationship between the lecturers’ teaching skills and student academic performance?
3.         Is there any relationship between the lecturers’ experience and students’ academic performance?
4.         Is there any relationship between the lecturers’ subject matter expertise and students’ academic performance?
5.         Is there any relationship between the lecturers’ qualification and students’ academic performance?
6.         Is there any relationship between the lecturers’ attitude and students’ academic performance?
In addition with regard to my research, there are several significant why I choose to carry out research for this topic that will bring advantages toward certain people or organization. A major concern in higher education is to increase student achievement. One of the ways to do this is to focus on the lecturers’ competences which will influence student achievement. The empirical investigation of the distinct effects of diverse elements of the lecturer competence on student’s academic performance in education management remains on the area of substantial interest to education researchers. This study provides some relevant insights on the distinct magnitudes to which distinct lecturer competence elements affect students’ academic performances. Moreover, such knowledge will help academic staff in designing more effective teaching strategies that can improve learners’ academic achievements. In addition, this study will be useful to both lecturers and students who may want to know the factors that could make or hinder the student academic achievement. Understanding lecturer teaching skills will allow for professional development for lecturer to focus on the areas to increase student academic performance. Lastly, understanding the importance of lecturers and the impact on student performance will help universities administrators retain lecturers to make their teachings student-centred.
What will you are measuring?
This study aims at determining the impact of lecturers’ competencies on students’ academic performance at Mara University of Technology Shah Alam in Selangor Malaysia.  Lecturers’ competencies are one of the most critical objectives in all institutions of higher learning. Institution that fails to ensure good and excellence lecturers’ competencies’ will definitely affect their reputation as  excellence higher institution. Incompetence lecturers may also affect their students’ academic performance. This study employed qualitative method in examining the hypothesis. Survey method is used for data collection. Five competencies are selected to be measured for this study and total of 30 lecturers’ are chosen as sample in this case study. Competencies such as, subject matter expertise, lecturers experience, lecturers teaching skills, lecturer qualification and lecturer attitude are significantly relates to student academic achievement positively.

How you will ensure that the research is scientific?
As we all know the purpose of the research is divided into 4 categories, which are to describe - describe the shape, colour, change over time, relation to other constructs and so on, to predict - given what is known the scientist attempts to predict what might happen, to control - by manipulating certain variables the scientist is interested in determining whether it will lead to controlling a particular condition, to explain in the form of a theory - ultimately the scientist is interested in forming a theory to explain the phenomena being investigated.
I have ensure that my research on the lecturers’ competence in relation to student academic performance is the scientific research because of the research that I want to carry out have several evidences and prove to make it valid and reliable. More that the research that I’m going to carried out does not based on the intuition. Intuition can be defined where sometimes beliefs are held because they appear to be self-evidence or just common sense. There is several evidence that would back up my research. In addition, my research is rationalistic. Rationalistic is the knowledge derived from reasoning.
While the ability to reasoning fundamental in the scientific method of problem solving and I need to be careful with the conclusion and every conclusion that are about to be withdraw need to be support by the supporting evidence. The empirical method is fundamental in every research. Although everything that have been said so far appears conclusions because of faulty data collection and interpretation. I must be careful to remain objective when evaluating data.

What is your dominant research approach? (Qualitative or quantitative)
This study aims at determining the impact of lecturers’ competencies on students’ academic performance at Mara University of Technology Shah Alam in Selangor Malaysia.  Lecturers’ competencies are one of the most critical objectives in all institutions of higher learning. Institution that fails to ensure good and excellence lecturers’ competencies’ will definitely affect their reputation as  excellence higher institution. Incompetence lecturers may also affect their students’ academic performance. This study employed quantitative method in examining the hypothesis. Survey method is used for data collection. Five competencies are selected to be measured for this study and total of 30 lecturers’ are chosen as sample in this case study. Competencies such as, subject matter expertise, lecturers experience, lecturers teaching skills, lecturer qualification and lecturer attitude are significantly relates to student academic achievement positively.
If your research is quantitative, describe how it is different from a qualitative one.
Sample size- QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH will be large (small)
Information per respondent- QUANTITATIVE RESEACH will be varies (much)
Types of analysis- QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH will be statistical and summarization (subjective, interpretive)
Ability to replicate- QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH will be high (low)
Hardware- QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH will be questionnaire and computer print- out (tape recorder, projection devices, videos, pictures and discussion guide)
Type of research- QUNTITATIVE RESEARCH will be exploratory (descriptive causal)
Motivational and Learning Processes of Off-Campus University Students
The study of motivational and learning processes of university students has focused mainly on on-campus, mainstream students. Until recently few studies have explored the complex relationships between motivation and learning among working, off- campus adult learners given that continuing education and lifelong learning are gaining grounds in the Malaysian educational scene, it is important to develop a better understanding of the relationships between motivation and learning processes among these adult learners.
Suppose you want to conduct a research based on this statement.
a.    How do you operationalize “motivation of adult learner” (propose an operational definition of the phrase)
Motivation is the attribute that “moves” us to do or not do something (Gredler, 2001). Students can be described as self-regulated if they personally initiate and  direct their own efforts to acquire knowledge and skill rather than relying on  teachers, parents, or other agents of instruction (Zimmerman 1989, cited in Cole  and Chan, 1994). Responsible learners are the ones who accept the idea that their own efforts are crucial to progress in learning, and behave accordingly. Responsible learners consciously monitor their own progress and make an effort to use available opportunities to their benefit including classroom activities and assignments (Scharle and Szabo 2000). Regarding to this research, which link to the motivation of adult  learner it related on how the motivation of the learner affect the learner to continue studying even though it was off-campus learning. For example, e-PJJ that have already been practiced in Malaysia.
Distance education: An educational situation in which the instructor and students are separated by time, location, or both. Education or training courses are delivered to remote locations via synchronous or asynchronous means of instruction, including  written correspondence, text, graphics, audio- and videotape, CD-ROM, online learning, audio- and videoconferencing, interactive TV, and FAX. Distance education does not preclude the use of the traditional classroom. The definition of distance education is broader than and entails the definition of e-learning.  E-Learning (electronic learning): A term covering a wide set of applications and processes, such as Web-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. It includes delivery of content via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), audio-and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive, TV, CD-ROM, and more.
b.    Write two research question for this research problem
1.    What is the level of motivation of adult learner in off-campus learning?
2.    Are there any differences in the learners’ who prefer off-campus learning in terms of their gender, major field and proficiency level?